Actions Icon Overview

You are able to access the "Actions" icon from either the main projects view or within a project on its
project page.

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Clicking the "Actions" icon brings up a drop down menu with 6 different options. Those options are explained below:

Delete Unsigned Estimates - This will delete all estimates that are not signed off by the signator(s) designated for each individual estimate. You can see whether or not an estimate has been signed or not by going to the Estimates page. 

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    A signed estimate will display the date and time that it was signed as well as display "Signed" under the estimate's status. An unsigned estimate will display "NA" in place of a date/time as well as display "Draft" under the estimate's status. See below example of a signed estimate and an unsigned estimate:

Add Contact - This option pops up a window where you will enter the conact's role/relationship, first name, last name, email address and phone number then click "Save Contact". OR, you can add an existing contact to the project by clicking on "From CRM" and using the search box to locate the existing contact in the system and clicking "Save Contact" to add them to the project.

Add Note - This option takes you to a page where you are able to add a note to that particular project.

Edit Project Name - This is where you have the option of editing the name of the project.

Client Portal Link - Selecting this option copies the link to the client portal to the clipboard.

Archive Project - Selecting this option will move the project to the archive and therefore will not appear in the main project view, nor will it populate when a search is performed in the main project view.

NOTE: If you wish to move a project out of the archive, simply go to the "Actions" icon and select "Unarchive Project"