How do I add notes to a project?

To add a note to a project, you can go about it a few different ways. The first way is to Click on the "Notes" icon at the top right of the project view page.

If there have not been any notes entered for this project, you can click the "Add Note" button on the right side of the page to add your first note.

Another way is to click the "Actions" icon and selecting "Add Note" from the drop down.

Clicking any of those methods takes you to the notes page where you can enter a note in the text field. The text field functions very similar to any word processing software. You can change the font, make text bold or underlined, highlight, make bulleted or numbered lists, add a hyperlink, add an image and add a video just to name a few features. Simply add your note in the text field and click "Add Note" to submit.

After a note or notes are entered, they are displayed newest to oldest on the notes page. Once a note is entered, you can edit or delete the note by clicking either the pencil or trash can icon on the right side of the note. You can add an additional note by clicking the "Add Note" button on the right side of the page. You can also comment or react to a particular note by clicking either the smiley face or add comment icon at the bottom left corner of the note.

Clicking the pencil icon takes you back into the note where you can make any desired changes then save by clicking "Save Note"

Clicking the trash can icon will bring up a prompt asking if you are sure you would like do delete that particular note. Click "Yes, I am Sure." if you would like to delete it and click "Cancel" if you do not wish to delete it.

Clicking the smiley face icon brings up an abundance of reactions to choose from.

Clicking the add comment icon brings you to a similar looking page as the add a note page. Simply enter the comment and click "Save Note".

To view comments on notes, simply click "Show Comments".

You can edit or delete the comment by clicking on the corresponding icon on the right side of the comment.

Finally, the system will display the most recent note on both the project view page as well as the all projects page.